Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Last Important Speech of Your Miserable 185 minute long (including credits and Coming Attractions) Life Now on Blu-Ray!

Game time speeches are a big fucking deal. Probably the biggest. And the last game time speech you will ever give is bound to be one of the most important. Sadly, not much footage is available to highlight the profound effect that a person's final words can carry.

Thank god for Hollywood (and Canada) for the film industry. Because when you want to sell movies you have to make that shit epic. Now with state-of-the-art scripts, writers are able to physically put game time speeches into most modern movies!

Brandon: Haaaaayyyy! How dey dew dat?

Me: Huh, who said that? Brandon Jacobs, is that you? Did you wander into my blog? Whoa slow down there, Brandon. I'll tell you how cinematic speeches work right now.

(Brandon Jacobs is a New York Giants running back and millionaire. Here’s Brandon in one of the most painful interviews I've ever seen:

Well Brandon, they do it by giving some movie characters a few departing words before they die. Usually film executives use this species of game time speech in order to deliver a moral, divulge some plot changing information, or rile up emotions in the audience. I want to describe some 'last words' from two of my favorite movies with clips readily available on the World Wide Web.

Brandon: Hmm, Wathcha Say?

Me: oh i mean the Internet.

Brandon: One more time? Not followin' you, coach.

Me: Coach? Oh my god, what is wrong with y… The World Wide Web’s the Internet. You can go on twitter or facebook and follow* your friends from a safe and technically legal distance. You can set up Yahooligans! For your kids …

Brandon: OH, YAHOOLIGANS! I get you now.

Me: Riiight.

These movie clips can help you understand the magnitude of important speeches and last words. Remember these words are fragile and you can easily mess them up.

So take my hand, reader, as we soar through the worlds of blu-ray images. Don’t look down. We’re passing all the Van Wilder and American Pie sequels. Don’t be scared. I won’t let you go.

Let’s begin!

So it's game time and your about to throw down. You're so pumped up that you'll have no problem ...

Taking out that goddamn raptor that's been eating everyone.

I'll give you some background. Robert Muldoon, the Game Warden of Jurassic Park peeps a loitering raptor. This raptor has been hanging out, drinking, cursing, and giving the neighborhood a bad name. He can't call the Raptor's parents because ... well ... it was artificially created by scientists. Naturally, he goes to Plan B: Assault Rifle. But when he's ready to shoot ...

All I have to say is: Oh my god, dude! What a fucking MAN. Oh wow. So baller! Swagger on a hundred thousand trillion.

My man Muldoon has just been outdone by a fucking dinosaur! D-I-N-O-S-A-U-R! What does he do? He has a 'Real Recognize Real' moment before he dies. His last words consisted of him giving props to a formerly extinct carnivorous creature that plans on eating him alive! He's not even mad he’s gonna die.

To be fair he’s responsible for keeping these dangerous creatures in check. After this fiasco he'd never work again. He’s better off going down all bad ass like in the clip.

His last words still resonate with me today. "Clever girl."

Moral: Don't die like a bitch. That’s why I carry a grenade with the pin pulled out with me everywhere I go.

Game Time Speeches. Scene 2. Mark.

That last scene from Jurassic Park must have left you so inspired. So inspired that you'll get your ring back from two little jerks before they drop it into a random ass lava pit.

Background: The Lord of the Rings is the story of Gollum. Gollum's a lttle person with a story to tell. Gollum had a swagger that few could match. Then two homeless, shoeless little people jumped him and took his clothes. Now they want to destroy his favorite pinky ring by dropping it into a volcano. Who does that? Show some class.

His pinky ring is so powerfully fly that everyone wants it for all the guaranteed 'tang that comes with it. Oh and I think it makes you invisible. In this scene, Gollum has finally tracked down the thieves to the fires of Mount Doom. This won't end well.

Oh, Gollum's the ugly barely clothed dude.

“Precious, precious, precious! My Precious! O, my Precious!” – Gollum

What a waste. What? No. Not a waste of life. Look at him. Gollum looks like Sam Cassell He'll never live a normal life.

And if you think that the destruction of a ring that has the power to rule the world is a waste You are WRONG.

What a waste of a Game Time Speech.. It’s your last speech, little man thing. But what do you do? You sell out and plug the movie: Precious, in theaters now, Tyler Perry’s newest film made in association with HARPO productions and starring the fabulously flab Mo’Nique. Gollum, you're a fuckin sell out, bro.

In theaters now!


Saturday, May 9, 2009

What time is it? ... I saaaiiid: What time is it? ...

GAME TIME speeches. The greatest motivational tool that the gods gave to man on Mt. Olympus on the eve of the first Olympics. Us mortals took it, kept it, and perfected it. There's even a modern day profession solely based on the game time speech: professional coaching.

In their own little way, everyone is a coach and everyone has used a game time speech at least once in their lives.

There is no scenario where a game time speech cannot be used or should not be used (if there's no real opponent you can even use the 'me vs. the world' view on things like I did to pump myself up for a 1999 trumpet recital ... that's right, I won that first chair and I was ruthless). If you need a little pick me up, then pop in a copy of Any Given Sunday for that famous game time speech or go to your favorite search engine and search: "any given sunday speech". Go ahead copy and paste the text into the search bar. Keep the quotes. Actually, you know what? I'll do the work for you. Here, I found it: No no no I'll wait ... don't browse through your gmail just watch the video all the way through ...

So? How do you feel? I know right! It just makes you want to change the world. You want to hit a home run in the bottom of the 9th to win the World Series, rampage through the streets with your best friends for a night of insane fun, kill a man for the woman you secretly love, or fight through complete exhaustion and write that last paper. It's like a 5 hour energy drink except instead of B12 you're injected with EPIC.

I've used game time speeches before broom ball games, basketball games, even once in the middle of a kindergarten vs. pre-K soccer game. Why? Because they work.

You can't stop game time speeches. You can only motivate yourself enough to control them.